20 Best Driving Roads in the World

If you’re anything like us, the thought of a road trip gives you the tingles – in a good way – as you imagine the feeling of cruising down the road and watching the scenery zip by your open window.

Road-trippers like us see driving as more than just a way to get from A to B – it’s an experience in itself, and one that should be treasured and savoured, like a fine wine.

With that in mind, we’re always on the lookout for the most scenic, thrilling, unique and enchanting drives around the world.

Here are our top 20 picks for the best driving roads on Earth:

1. Highway 1, California

Rugged coastlines, breathtaking views, secret coves and wild headlands… These are just some of the things that make California’s iconic Highway 1 an absolute dream to drive.

At 659 miles, Highway 1 is the longest state route in California, starting in San Francisco in the north and stretching all the way to San Diego, on the border with Mexico.

The stunning and occasionally dizzying drive passes through some of the state’s most exciting destinations including Carmel, Big Sur and Monterey, home of the famous aquarium.

Read more: https://lazytrips.com/blog/best-driving-roads-in-the-world

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